Tuesday, June 23, 2009

saya suka ini

Rules of the Road: Indonesia
Beep if someone cuts you off
Beep if the car in front of you is too slow
Beep if you're on a winding road
Beep if you're going to pass
Slowly cut off as many vehicles as possible
Tailgate always

If Ubud were a color it'd be burnt orange.
If Yogyakarta were a color it'd be mint green.

Things that don't exist in Indonesia:
ranch dressing
thick chocolate milkshakes
thinking room (this one's for you, Yogya)

Some things are just better in Indonesia:
say hello, everyone is your friend
sky-scraping temples...booya Sears Tower!
vision of America = Obama = awesome

Going to Indonesia as a part of GIEU has completely changed everything. With one year left at U of M, it has completely turned upside-down what I see as my options for post-graduation life. GIEU not only got me thinking about my future, but also more excited about right now: what I'm doing this summer and my final year. It has breathed life into me again.

It's hard to name favorites about Indonesia. I love that you can walk down the street, say hi to anyone, and watch the smile unfold on their face. Do that in Ann Arbor and someone will think you're crazy. One of the things I will miss most is the people I met along the way. Whether I saw them everyday, they popped in and out of our program, or only met them once. They impacted my experience more than they know.

"It has to come to an end because otherwise it would just be life and then it could not be an exciting adventure. It would just be everyday shit."

barely bearable heat and singing my sentences,


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